I have continued to enjoy the feedback, suggestions and critical thought that my blog posts have sparked. I met up with some old friends this weekend and was pleasantly surprised to find that my articles and data have been the catalyst for many dinner table and water-cooler discussions. It seems that I have achieved one of my primary goals: to make the research and subjects that I discuss easy to understand, whether you are in the medical field or not.
While most of my articles have been aimed at the general public, I looked to turn my last article on “What is Depression” into a guide for primary care doctors (PCP’s) and general practitioners. We all know that we usually first discuss any symptom that we experience with our family doctor or at an urgent care. Symptoms of depression and other mental illness are no exception. Therefore, I think it is imperative that PCP’s and their patients speak the same language and are on the same page when it comes to mental-health.
Medscape is one of the largest databases to assist physician’s with staying updated on the latest research and treatment guidelines. Beyond serving as a resource, I hope this article will also act to improve care, lower stigma and improve access to mental health care for all of us.
You can access the Medscape article here.
Dr. Goldenberg
Twitter: @docgoldenberg