I am very excited to share an article that I wrote for the American Journal of Psychiatry Residents’ Journal. They previously published my article on Smoking Cessation this past February. You can read that article here.

However, when I was informed that the editors of the Residents’ Journal were planning to publish an Addiction themed Journal release, I was motivated to contribute again.  This time I chose to focus on another important topic that negatively impacts my patients, their families and our communities.

To find out the topic please continue reading…


This time around I focused on the Opioid epidemic and the resulting epidemic of overdoses currently facing our country.  After reading my article, one of my colleagues remarked that “more people die from Opioid overdoses than car accidents in the United States.” This is exactly the type of conversation I hope to spark with my article. We need to recognize that unintentional overdose is a massive problem and that the epidemic is effecting all Americans. Together we can then develop real solutions to help people who are suffering from addiction.


I hope you will join me in the effort to decrease the negative stigma associated with addiction and mental illness. Simply reading this post and thinking about these issues has already begun the process!

You can read the article, which begins on page 6, here.


Dr. Goldenberg

Twittter: @docgoldenberg

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